Photo: Fuck Capitalism!!


  1. Anonymous said...

    So far, by and large, it's always been capitalism fucking us...

  2. Farfahinne said...

    lol it's true... but now... we have the historical chance to fuck it in return?!! don't u agree?!!

  3. Anonymous said...

    Sadly no, because I do not see a leftist ideology filling in the vacuums. Even in France, Socialists are still caught up in petty differences while Sarkozy is turning the clock.
    Capitalism always had its own crises, and it always found ways to deal with changes, readjust, give some chips in order to keep the system intact. Thus the reforms after the 1929 regression in the US where aimed at keeping the people at bay, giving a little so that not to lose all. And its really hard for people to understand, especially since the media diffusing information is in Capital hands. War is the health of the state, inject that into any society, and you have a recipe of perpetual obedience.
    Tools of control are endless.

  4. Farfahinne said...

    i agree with ur logic analysing the capitalist system in general..but what i c is that this crisis, that it's not limited anymore to the financal sector, but to the production one and which won't let any other sector intact... and that is puting thousands of workers out of their jobs.... all zat is pushing people to start realizing that all what capitalism was pretending over the last decade is bullshit...
    and that the pub money suddently arose to back the big financial companies...but disappeared when people were asking for pub and social services like health, schools etc...
    i agree that capitalism maintain a large control over many tools that affect the pub opinion... but don't forget that the lived reality of people imposes itlself and makes people more conscious to their conditions and to the injustice produced by the system in which they live...


  5. Farfahinne said...

  6. Anonymous said...

    After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the so called end of communism (though communist Russia, by identifying itself with socialism, did socialism the most hurt), Capitalism was thought to be the supreme and most perfect ideology, Western values the ones to reign over all the other, and people thought the road will be rosy from now on, and we started to hear lots of talks such as the end of history and the clash of civilizations. New devils of course had to be invented to justify the Empire and the huge military budget. The current economic system began to take shape starting the seventies. Globalization in its economic form meant that countries would no longer have the right to control the capital, and thus become subject to privatizations. This meant simply that poorer third world countries were engulfed by the big industrial countries, and those who refused were simply beaten. Reigning supreme for three decades, the current crisis is one of disillusionment among many, a realization that focusing on economic values rather than humane ones led to wide spread misery and a chasm ever growing between the rich and the poor.
    But again such crisis and disillusionment are not to happen for the first time. Reading the US history for instance, it will get you frustrated, the socialist party strong as it was during the 20's, still got crushed.

    In a highly developed society, the Establishment cannot survive without the obedience and loyalty of millions of people who are given small rewards to keep the system going: the soldiers and police, teachers and ministers, administrators and social workers, technicians and production workers, doctors, lawyers, nurses, transport and communications workers, garbage-men and firemen. These people—the employed, the somewhat privileged—are drawn into alliance with the elite. They become the guards of the system, buffers between the upper and lower classes. If they stop obeying, the system falls.
    Howard Zinn.

    Will the people finally realize that it is the system that must be changed and not some laws or governments, or will they simply settle for some benefits so the waters would run again, I don't know. It "may" be a historical oppurtunity, we'll have to wait and see. In any case our arab world still have long miles to go, the "road" haven't even started for us, all hail to Mr. Hariri.

  7. Farfahinne said...

    that's exactly why a revolutionary party is a most now!
    if u r in Lebanon, we sarted a revolutionary socialist organization called : التجمع اليساري من أجل التغيير
    have a look at our website:


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