An Iraqi refugee woman needs your help!
Her names is Yousra Al-Amiri and she has been detained since May 2009 in Lebanon. The General Security is refusing to release her although the judge ordered her release since 11/12/2009 and they are considering transferring her to Caritas shelter for trafficked woman.

This is a flagrant violation of refugee rights and of the independence of the judiciary! Detaining a person without legal grounds is a crime and Caritas shelter is not supposed to be a prison!

You can read the full details on her case in this article (in Arabic) published by Al-Akhbar today

Yousra needs your support!

Here is what you can do:
1. Contact the Ministry of Interior and request Yousra's release!

2. Contact Caritas Lebanese Migrants Center and express your refusal that the shelter becomes a prison!

3. Contact your Members of Parliament and request that they render all security forces accountable for such violations of personal freedoms!

4. Send this message to all your contacts!

I know you that some of you might be busy and may not have much time but the best would be to send quick sms and emails to the addresses below:

Ministry of Interior:
Phone: + 961-1-754200; + 961-1-751601; +961-751602
Fax: +961-1-750084

Caritas Lebanon Migrants Center
Phone: + 961-1-502550
Hotline: + 961-3-092538

اصدر القضاء منذ أكثر من شهر حكماً بإخلاء سبيل لاجئة عراقية فوراً.إلا أن الأمن العام اللبناني لم ينفّذ الحكم بل يعتقلها تعسفيا ضاربا قرار القاضي بالعرض. قال مديرها إنه «سيسلّمها إلى كاريتاس» اليوم...وهذا مستنكر ومرفوض تماما...

نعم لإطلاق سراح يسرى العامر الآآآآن

أرسلو الرسالة التالية على رقم كاريتاس 03092538:"بيت الأمان ليس بالسجن. أوقفو الإعتقال التعسفي للاجئة العراقية يسرى العامري عبر رفض نقلها الى بيت الأمان"


  1. nadia said...

    Hey, thanks a lot for posting about this, I reposted it on mine, fwiw. Love your blog.

  2. Farfahinne said...

    10x a lot Nadia for ur sweet comment

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