for all of you.. thank you!

People that played, and still, an important role in my life... they might be different: some i was impressed by their life experience, their intellect and their energy. with some others I share a deep and irreplacable friendship.. some with whom I had a totally different kind of relation a love one... however they have something in common, they all added something to my life, each one in his special way, shaping a part of my personnality and my interests in life...
to all of you: friends, comrades, loved ones... thank you... thank you for making me the person I am... Love you all!

My Father-Haidarove

Benjamin (on the left)
Mum- Olfat
Kamal Khalil
Kamil Dagher (Left) and Fawaz Traboulsi (Right)
Kamal Abou Eita
Bassim (Left) and Simon (Right)


  1. maher said...

    thanks farfahinne... u added something to my life too... love u too

  2. Gaber said...

    speechless :)
    really have no words to say but Farah you are amazing person that i really REALLY honored to know on this crazy planet
    Loves you more sadi2ty

  3. Hossam said...

    We love u too ya Farah!:)

  4. cialis online said...

    I think that all things we lived in our lives are like a gift, I'm so grateful with all people who have support me during my life because they have helped me to face my fears and they're have seen my goals too.m10m

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