Lebanon: Action against the US Embassy in Awkar.. the security forces face Leftist Pales and Leb demonstrators with water , tear gas and stones!
Posted by Farfahinne at 5:26 PMupdate:
The Palestinian- Lebanese Leftist Youth Groups
Invites you to a Public Meeting on
"Resistance in Gaza"
Speaker: Comrade Samir Al-Loubani (Abou Jaber),
From the political relations office of the Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
Today, Monday January 5th 2009
6:00 PM
Open Sit-In, Escwa, Riad el Soloh, Beirut
... and today Monday 5-1-2009 there's another action at the same place in front of the US embassy in Awkar.. as i am writing now, the police is also assaulting the demonstrators. the US embassy in Awkar was always a scene of harsh confrontations between the Left and the security forces. in 2003 a large protest against the US invasion of Iraq was brutally oppressed by the police. in 2006 too, the embassy witnessed large protests organized by Leftists, nationalists and Islamic forces against the Israeli war on Lebanon..
pictures from al-Akhbar by Haitham al Mousawi

confrontations between the protestors who are largerly lebanese and palestinian leftists and the police in front of the US embassy in Awkar.
مواجهات عنيفة بين القوى اليسارية وقوى الامن في محيط السفارة الاميركية في عوكر و في التفاصيل و حسبما أفاد مندوب الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام ان المعتصمين تجمعوا قبل ظهر اليوم في تظاهرة في ساحة عوكر إحتجاجا على ما يجري في غزة، وحاولوا إجتياز الشريط الشائك امام مبنى السفارة الأميركية في عوكر مما ادّى الى اشتباكات عنيفة بينهم وبين القوى الامنية التي عملت على إستعمال خراطيم المياه والغاز المسيل للدموع لتفريق المتظاهرين.
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