"The Greek police have run out of tear gas, and are now ordering more from Israel"..

"The leaders of the trade union movement have played a shameful role in this situation. Instead of joining the movement and mobilizing workers in order to defeat and bring down a weak, reactionary government, it did nothing for the preparation of last week's 24hr general strike and is refusing to discuss another one"...

"The mainstream media are blaming the demonstrators (and the riots) for the sharp drop in sales, which is mainly due to the economic crisis."...

"The openly fascist organization "Golden Dawn" (masquerading as “angry citizens”) have attacked protesters side by side with the police, using knives."...

"The anger in Greek society is so huge, that it is not easy to manipulate youth and workers. Xekinima, the Greek section of the CWI, is participating and playing an important role in many occupations and demonstrations...

We call for a militant programme for mobilisations to be adopted. We also stress the need of mass action, and insist on the crucial importance of the working class to be drawn decisively into the struggle...

We campaign for a 24 hour general strike, as part of a plan to bring down the government. And we insist on the need of the parties of the left (SYRIZA, CP, far left) to have a united front approach, to take the struggle forward and aim at a government of the Left based on a socialist programme, in the interests of the working class, the youth and the poor peasants."..

read China worker report


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