سقطت الخادمة الأثيوبية إيماوي ماناي بايس عن شرفة الطابق الثالث إلى شرفة الطابق الأول، من منزل مخدومها محمد ز. في محلة قصقص،مما أدى إلى وفاتها على الفور. ويشتبه في أنها كانت تحاول الهرب، لأنه عُثر بجانبها على كيس يحوي ثيابها
this is not the first accident this week. Since Thursday 10 I counted at least 2 domestic workers who died tragically as they were trying to escape from their working place. 1 Ethiopian was subject to rape and another was found hanged at the house of her "owner"!
this is not a game, these are Human Beings, a real thing must be done to protect them from all sort of abuses they face. this is serious: pressures must be exercised in order to change the law that protect the "owner" against these workers on which is exercised all sorts of inhuman practices that is driving them in many cases to kill themselves or die while trying to escape these unjust conditions. and no one, i mean no one, is actually giving a shit about 5 incidents from that sort happening in one week. this is a real tragedy. each day i search in the newspaper for any sort of such incidents. and each day i wish not to find any. but unfortunately very often i read them written in 2 lines in the bottom of the page! that what these female poor foreign workers worth in this country: 2 lines of cheap ink! ...or piece of furniture like in the pic bellow...


  1. Dalaiama said...

    This picture is disgusting:
    the woman in the center seems to be in the middle of two slaves!!
    We've got to put an end to all these sorts of modern slavery!!!

  2. Farfahinne said...

    u r totally right, this picture tells the story of slavery, the modern one.

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