i didn't have the time to listen to Nassrallah speech today. But i heard on Jazeera a part that stunned me: "Rafiq elHariri (pro- Saudi Arabia prime minister and businessman assassinated in 2005) has built the STATE and preserved at the same time the RESISTANCE": who's trying to fool M.Nassrallah?! anyway i only understand this tribute to Hariri as an introduction to a creepy Hariri-Hizbullah sectarian alliance in the next parliamentary election, the same we witnessed in 2005 !

on another level we were distributing pamphlets today in the street at Bchara el Khoury about the election of the army leader and poverty, when a Moukhabarat of the Lebanese army rushed to me and asked me what i was distributing. he took a copy and started to talk on his tky-wky.i gave him one and i turned my back and asked my 2 comrades who were with me, to leave slowly. i got scared mainly because they are Palestinians distributing statement against the newly elected president and the LEBANESE authority... he tracked us, but we managed to leave the place before he catches us... it was the first time that i personally feel harassed by the army...before, i didn't have the problem to let a policeman see the statement and even discuss it with him in public...but i believe that from now on this will change. a "new era" was inaugurated on Sunday with the election of Michel Sulaiman: i predict that we will witness more restrictions on liberties, especially that the authority is not anymore divided between the opposition and the government : they will do everything to make this summer beneficial for their companies and for the Arab investors. Nassrallah today promised the lebanese having a "peaceful summer". what does that suppose to mean?! he means that no more opposition should be allowed. he means that we should shut our mouth up and accept that the authority passes unnoticeable its neoliberal economic policies. with the election of Sulayman, the coalition between the "boot" and the capital will be renewed. many say that Sulayman's rise in the Lebanese Army was due to support from Ghazi Kan`an and Emile Lahhud in the 1990s....

....wile leaving the place we saw the moukhabarat taking the pamphlets from the kids who were helping us in the distribution!

i want to mention one more thing, yesterday the Lebanese Democratic Youth Union organized a sit-in opposing Doha conference when the army asked them to leave although they had a permission! emmm....does that assert some of my worries and suspicions?


  1. Anonymous said...

    I think the most important he said is that inchAllah will be free the most old lebanese prisonners like samir al kantar and other...good things have to be said too

    cheers ;-)

  2. Farfahinne said...

    this is something we agree on: the resistance, and the liberation of the prisoners in Israel. however, i'm not with Hezbollah's interior policy: the economic one, the social and how it's dealing with Sanioura's gov. and that's what i am criticizing here. today Sanioura returned to the gover as prime minister: that is totally, a mon sens, unacceptable....but Hezbollah let that passes like it will make sanioura passes its economic (Paris 3) agenda!

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