i received the following message from Bissane: "des travailleurs et personnes agés font greve pour garder leurs avantages en particulier la retraite, que le gouvernement de sarkozy veut retarder il y'a egalement les transports en communs (metro, bus etc) egalement pour les retraites et l'age de fin de travail et les étudiants qui manifestent contre les suppresssions de postes dans les ecoles publiques qui vont causer des surcharge d'élèves avec tres peu de professeurs ( sachant que l'école publique en France, yemken be Lebnen a7ssan bitkoun...) ce qui va creuser les inégalités entre les ecoles privés et publiques... la greve la plus importante reste celle des sans papiers, qui se sont même retournés a un moment contre la CGT l'un des principal syndicat français, et l' accusé de les instrumentaliser".
it says: workers and old persons went on strike in order to protect their advantages and mainly their pensions. there's also the public transportation sector who went on strike to protest against Sarkuzi's government decision of increasing the numbers of years worked to have the full pension. Moreover, students are demonstrating against the reduction of teacher's number in pub schools. a thing that will enlarge the gap between public and private schools. However, the most important strike remains the one held by the Non-ID, who accused the CGT (one of the most important syndicates in France) of exploiting them and who are occupying till now a restaurant at Champs Elysee avenue in Paris
pictures can be found here, here and here
for more infos in french pls visit this interesting website
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